ערבות - arevut = Mutual aid (responsibility, support) among Jews

מנהיגות - manhigoot = Leadership. As a verb and is located in behavior. Manheeg–מנהיג (leader), shares the Hebrew tri-part root for behavior (l’hitnaheg-להתנהג)

Designing Programs to Support Networks

The basic principles of cohort programs that build networks

Program Design at this Moment

Supporting leaders beyond a single program or initiative 

Challenges Networks Face

Field-wide collaboration and resource sharing can help overcome challenges

New Strategic Mindset for Networked Leadership

Revamping practices and utilizing new approaches to support collaborative networks

In Depth: Cohort Program Design Elements

Leaders cite several particularly powerful elements of cohort-based learning experienes

Designing for Networked Leadership: Shifting from “What?” to “How?”

This guide is the third report in the Center for Creative Leadership’s ongoing Cross-Portfolio Research Study on leadership development in the Jewish social sector, which was commissioned by the Jim Joseph Foundation and began in 2018. Sources of data for our research include leadership development research and best practices, interviews with more than 80 successful Jewish leaders, surveys, program observation, evaluations, and emerging thought in Jewish leadership discourse, philanthropy, and other topics